Where Dr Oz? Where Channel 5!

Where is Dr Oz these days?

His show was once the latest craze

Here in NYC, it ran on Channel 5

Execs there decided not to keep it alive


Basically, the execs at the station where the show aired  

When asked about the Dr Oz show, they all just stared

If you'd ask them what they really think

They'd look you straight in the eye and say 'We think it stinks'


'It has a sort of funky smell, one exec confided in me

'It reminds me of the scent of an ol' factory'

The problems of that show were quite extensive 

To produce an Oz show would be extremely expensive 


The way they figured, it was bad as it could get

They wanted to flush the show down oh, the toilet

Nobody wanted to get back up on that horse

Spay it, don't play it, like a golfer par from off course


Like that behind-the-scenes look at the Dr Oz show?

Another exec at Channel 5 shared with me an internal memo

Discussing the cost of producing it 'To Oz, don't want to sound mean

But who can afford it? The price is obscene!'


That's it from here, time for me to go

I need to get coffee, a cup of cocoa

Honesty in my reporting is what I always strive for 

The scent these guys sniff, the Oz Show, Channel 5? I'll die for!



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