Cardi & Candi

This is a story about Cardi and Candi

Who back in the day were quite randy

How far back?

Michael Jackson was black 

And AM radio would often play 'Mandy'


Both Cardi and Candi loved music    

Both dated a musician named Ric

He had some wealth

Was so concerned about health  

Carried his health proxy form with him.. Ric, oh, case..sick


Too much time spent in Cars led that relationship to crash 

Both Cardi and Candi needed someone who would Clash

Dated another another musician, he was a drummer

No, sorry, played guitar?, was he a Strummer?

Both Cardi and Candi found him brash 


Any questions about Cardi O and Candi B?

Oh, you think Cardi B and Candi O it should be?

What do you know?

One has B and the other O

To tell the truth, they stink! Both have B.O. Omg!




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