What I’ve found

Eureka is a word you don't hear about that much

Haven't heard it in ages, I've completely lost touch

Eureka means 'I found it', how does that sound?

Who said Eureka and whoever said it, what was found?


Archimedes said it, he was an Ancient Greek

He hadn't showered in a month, his wife said 'Hon, you reek!

Since we haven't invented showers yet, go to the public bath

If you don't, think I'll stay with you? You can do the math!'


So Archimedes was taking a bath, like they used to do

He noticed as he sank in the tub, water spilled off the edge, woohoo!

This caused him to experience wild jubilation 

Probably because the water wiped off all that perspiration?


No. It's a long story, has to do with buoyancy 

You know those Ancient Greeks, they didn't care for a girlancy 

So Archimedes said Eureka! and ran down the street nude

Why didn't he have the decency to put his toga on? So rude!


He wreaked havoc across the city! Have you wreaked havoc?

Sounds like fun, I haven't wreaked havoc but I've run amok

Running amok is almost like wreaking havoc, but I no longer run amok

I'm too tired, so now I walk amok, God, I'm such a schmuck!




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