Rick and Pat were two horny guys
Who wanted to have sex, no surprise
But all the ladies they knew
Told them 'Have sex with you?
Both you guys we despise'
Rick and Pat were so hard up so
They decided to visit a ho
The only hos that they knew
Were two hos Karen and Sue
So to Karen and Sue they did go
They would usually go once a week
Which wasn't that unique
Were having so much fun they
Decided to go every day
When Karen and Sue found out, they freak
They both got down on their knees
Said 'We can't see them every day please
We gotta problem with that
The problem ain't Pat
It's Rick, in the bed, he pees'
They talked it over and found a way
A compromise was reached that sounded ok
To cover the mattress they needed warning
Pat coiuld still come at night, Rick? In the morning
What do you say? Ha! Pees. Ain't Pat. Rick's day!
Ha pees ain't Pat Rick's day to you too!