Paging Percy Bysshe Shelley

Headline in today's N.Y. Times:

'As G.O.P. Demolishes Border Deal, One of Its Own Stands in the Wreckage'


I met a man traveling to DC on Amtrak 

who said 'In the House of Representatives,

dysfunction reigns...compromise is a word 

never to be uttered, let alone acted on.

Those who question the party line

shall be seen as the enemy, and their

existence shall not be acknowledged.'

In the Senate, a lone figure stands among

the wreckage, a slim, understated Baptist

minister with a neatly combed shock 

of red hair and a baritone voice.

He thinks 'WTF am I doing here?'

There's no answer, only the sound of 

sound bites and spin, as our 

democracy slowly fades away..


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