
Today is February 1st

Google is celebrating James Baldwin

American writer and civil rights activist 

With a Google Doodle 

In his life, James Baldwin 

Won honors and awards for his work

Mmm, did James Baldwin win

Because he was bald?

James Baldwin wasn't bald

He had some hair

But he wasn't hairy

I'm hairy but I didn't win

I just can't win

Hugh can win 

He's hairy

He's also dirty 

He's dirty, hairy 

It would make his day

If he would win

But he won't win

It's a long story

Can't tell it to you today

James Baldwin

He has a long story too

You can read his story today

You don't have to read

His story today 

You have the whole month

Of February 

His Story month

I mean History Month

Black History Month

Starting February 1st



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