Is something missing?

Headline in the N.Y. Times:

'Many Have Preached Politics From This Pulpit, but Biden Is the First President'


This article refers to President Biden visiting the A.M.E. in South Carolina to warn of the political threats of hate-filled violence. I don't have anything particularly interesting to say about it. The reason I'm making a comment is because of the headline. 'Many Have Preached...Biden Is the First President'.


Yes, go on. The first President to? The first President to do what? Is it just me, or does that headline look incomplete to you too? Like there should be a couple of words added on at the end?


I understand it's my mistake. There's nothing wrong with the headline as written. Still, there's still something about it that doesn't look right to me.

Wow. There's millions of people who don't know where their next meal is coming from and this is what I'm concerned about? Talk about first world problems!


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