Determining Trump’s net worth

The civil trial against Donald Trump has now concluded. He is charged with financial fraud, overstating his net worth for financial gain. How is net worth determined? It comes down to a simple formula, which any first-year accounting student would know: ASSETS - LIABILITIES = NET WORTH


As we all know, Donald Trump is unique and the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to him.That includes the formula to determine net worth. I've come up with a way I believe should have been used in his trial. Here it is:


ASSETS. Donald Trump likes to eat. I don't think he's big on salads though. I see him eating a lot of junk food. Years of ingesting Big Macs and KFC have led to significant weight gain. And where is this weight gain?  His ass! Once a year, say 12/31, a precise measurement of Trump's ass shall be taken. Any increase or decrease each year in the size of his ass, I'm assuming, would be due to his diet, or you could say, to what he 'ets'.


LIABILITIES. Does Donald Trump lie? Are you kidding me? Even his supporters say he does. Does he have the ability to lie? I think after a lifetime of telling lies, the answer to that question is obvious.


Put everything together to come up with the formula to determine Donald Trump's true net worth:




The question remains. Which is bigger? His ass or his lies? 


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