My name? Don’t matt er..

Having a problem with my girlfriend 

You wouldn't be believing

It's gotten to the point 

I'm considering leaving


We started living together 

A year ago December 

You would think in that time

There'd be one thing she'd remember 


We agreed to share the chores

There's nothing wrong with that

When it's her turn she'll say to me

'I'm going to the laundromat'


How could she not remember?

Each time it breaks my heart 

Why does she think my name is Matt?

My name's not Matt, it's Art!


'I'm going to do the laundry, Art'

Is what I want to hear 

My name's not Matt! My name's not Matt!

Am I making myself clear?


I've told her a thousand times

But the problem isn't stopping

She told me 'I'm tired of hearing it

Bye bye, I'm going shopping'


I asked her where she's going

She said 'Probably, oh K-Mart' 

She still doesn't have a clue

My name is Art, not Mart!


I shouldn't be so hateful 

The problem's improving, slowly but surely 

I really should be grateful 

At least she doesn't call me Shirley!


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