Shouldn’t pay to move

Headline in today's N.Y. Times:

'Newly Flush With Cash, Nikki Haley Makes Her Move in Iowa. Is It Too Late?'


I have a question regarding this headline. I get Nikki Haley has a lot of cash, which prompted her to make her move in Iowa. I don't understand why it may be too late?  Too late for what?


Do they still have pay toilets in Iowa? They had them here in NYC many years ago. You would actually have to pay a nickel or a dime to use the toilet! Can you believe that?


If Nikki Haley needs to use the bathroom, or as the headline puts it (make her move), it shouldn't be too late since she has a lot of cash for the pay toilet. The only problem I see is getting change. Nikki Haley should talk to her aides to make sure that doesn't happen. One more thing. According to the headline, she flushes before she makes her move! Don't most people flush after?



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