Daily horror dope it’s your horoscope

Brought to you by an old curmudgeon 

Who today happens to be in high dudgeon 


Aries- You're all a bunch of fairies

Don't like it?

Buy a little house and

Move out to the prairies 


Taurus- You may beg and implore us

But Taurus, man, you bore us

Are you against us or for us?

I'll knock you to the floorus


Gemini- You are the twins

So you are bi

You disagree?

I hope you die 


Cancer- Tell me the answer

Why are you such a bad dancer?

You definitely need more lessons 

Every dance you try, you be messin'


Leo- You should move to Rio

You can drown there in the sea-oh

Just make sure you're away from me-oh


Virgo- Didn't I just tell you to go?
Oh, I'm sorry that was Leo
I told him go, now I tell her go

Get the hell out, crazy Virgo


End of Part 1





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