The story of Davy

There was a young man named Davy

Who had blue eyes and blond hair wavy

A young man with a dream

When he talked about it, he'd beam

Davy's dream was to join the Navy


The day he was to go to the recruiting station 

Davy was in a state of elation

He was so delighted 

He got so excited 

Before he left he indulged in some masturbation


At the station, he spoke to a recruiter named Jane

Who said 'Davy, on your shirt you have a stain

It looks like it's semen

Your dream of joining the Navy? Keep dreamin'

Please leave and don't come back here again'


Davy wasn't happy as a clam

He started crying, and uttered 'Damn!

I wanted to become a seaman

Now, because of the semen

I'll never join the Navy, but remain who I am'


As she surveyed the scene 

Jane the recruiter decided she couldn't be so mean

She said 'Davy, forget the semen

You want to join the seamen?
Welcome to the Navy!

I'm assigning you to a submarine!'


Today, Davy's the happiest man around

He loves it when he and the seamen go down

Yes, each time the sub submerges

He gets these uncontrollable urges

To be surrounded by so much seamen he will drown!


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