DT likes homemade pie

A long, long time ago 

I knew, I was sure 

I had life figured out 

These days I just don't know 

I don't know much anymore 

What I was so sure of I have doubt


Donald Trump, he is so rotten 

What he did, hope won't be forgotten 

I may be naïve. In these things I believe in

Of his achievements, he loves to boast

This, I'll shout from coast to coast

'Trump, I do hate you the most!'


An awful, unlawful guy

Say goodbye to your prior life 

Think if you're in prison

You'll be missin' kissin' your wife?

See that man stabbin' another man?

The man with the knife?

His name's Rocco, he's doin' 20 to life

He wants you for his prison wife


Have fun Donald!


Bye bye, Donald Trump say bye, bye

Can't drive your Chevy on the levee

You're too heavy a guy

Before I leave and tell you goodbye

Wanna say 'Donald Trump..

Eat shit and die!!'




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