The story of Zeke

Come and listen to the story of a man named Zeke

Him and his wife, it was rare that they would speak

Zeke smacked his wife last night, an argument ensued

A guess? You're right! 

Now Zeke is gettin' sued



Oy Gevalt!


His wife hired a lawyer named Paddy O'Flynn

He told her 'I'm sure your case you're gonna win

Oy Gevalt? I don't know what that means

Are you a Jew? Get a lawyer from Queens!'


One of them?

Baruch Hashem!


His wife thought, that was very good advice

She hired a lawyer, his name was Shlomo Weiss

With a name like that you shouldn't be surprised

Shlomo Weiss? You know he's circumcised!


Must know this.

Had a bris.


Shlomo said 'I think you got a case

Your husband Zeke, you no longer have to face

After he smacked you, you say that you two fought?

We're gonna drag that shmuck's ass into court!'


Shlomo's got guts.

Zeke is a putz.


They went to court, and of course, Zeke's wife, she won

But they didn't know Zeke was carrying a gun

When he found out he was found guilty
Zeke shot his wife, Shlomo, the judge

All 3!


All 3?


The new judge said 'Zeke, you shouldn't kill

I rule that you must be mentally ill

Because you aren't well mentally 

I suggest you plead insanity'


No bail.

No jail.


Zeke spends his time now, in a padded cell

In a place for the 'not mentally well'

Want this story to have a happy end?

Zeke, don't you know, has made a new friend 



Donald Trump, that's who!


Author's Notes/Comments: 

If you're not Jewish, you may not know some of the expressions I used. Don't get verklempt! There's quite a few websites that can be of assistance, just Google the word. Be a mensch and use them! 


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