Is he that moronic?

Next year I'll be 78

What if I win the election? And die the next day?

There'd be parties across the USA

But I couldn't attend them. Not so great.


Is that ironic? Gee, I don't know

They say I'm moronic 

But I say no

I got Hooked on Phonics, so now I know

Reading is fun!

Who figured?


I'm hungry

But I need to wait

Melania told me that I eat too late

She wants me to lose some weight

Would be good for my health 
She figures


My wife has a funny way of sneaking out

Thinks I don't know what it's all about 

I'd really love to throw her out

But I'll wait till after the electiom


She says I'm moronic 

What does that word mean? I know!

I'm a genius, you must agree 

When it's cold..clothes..

You put moron I c!

Why they think I am dumb?

Doesn't figure...


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