I have new neighbors
They are Andy and Denise
They fight and argue all the time
I don't get any peace
When they have a fight
Which is usually every night
I can hear it through the walls
Hate their language, it appalls
It's F.U.! Andy, F.U.! Denise
This is what I hear
I wish the both of them
Would get the hell out of here!
Denise, Andy, you're driving me cuckoo
I have something to say to both of you
Denise, Andy F.U.!!, Denise, Andy F.U.!!
Denise, Andy F.U.!!, Denise, Andy F.U.!!
Did I tell you I think they're sister and brother?
Know why? It's their language, I've stated
Repeat what I said to them faster and faster
And you'll see why I think they're related!