I have a problem. What else is new?
I recently purchased a cycle. I figured with the summer coming up, it would be a good idea. I bought what I thought was a docile, easygoing, friendly cycle. I should've done a more tborough background check. Several people recommended it, but I didn't.
Now I'm paying the price.
What's the best word to describe it? Cruel? Reprehensible? Wicked? Heinous?
Yes, yes, yes and yes,
I am the owner of a vicious cycle.
I feel like I'm a character in a Stephen King novel. 'The Vicious Cycle'.
What's the problem? Why is it so vicious? I've come up with a few theories.
1. This came to me right sway. My cycle cannot accept their true nature, sexually speaking. Obviously, being a bi-cycle, it's attracted to both male and female cycles. Maybe a few months of heavy-duty therapy might be the answer. I need to check the insurance coverage on that. I'm grateful my cycle isn't a tri-cycle, for obvious reasons.
2. My cycle is angry that's it's not a racing bicycle or a mountain bike. That's totally understandable. It's gonna spend the majority of it's time just sitting in the garage. If my cycle is an adrenaline junkie, it would not be happy.
3. Underneath that vicious exterior lies a very sweet cycle. I'm not sure why the spelling is different, but is it possible my vicious cycle is a creamsicle?
Whatever the underlying cause, I need to address it ASAP. Otherwise, it could turn into one of those situations, what do you call it, you know, a sequence of reciprocal cause and effect in which two or more elements intensify and aggravate each other, leading inexorably to a worsening of the situation? Phew! There's gotta be a shorter way to say that!