Beam him up Mr Scott

Former Vice President Mike Pence has announced his decision to run for President. The NY Times writes about how he will be the first VP to challenge the President he served under. Here's the headline:

'Pence Seeks to Go Where No Vice President Has Gone Before'


I believe the Times is mistaken, though I'm not that angry in this case. It's difficult to remember every single person who appeared on the show. But I think Mike Pence has gone there before. Where? Space! The final frontier!!


Take a good look at this picture. Isn't this Mike Pence?* Actually, now that I think of it, the Times is right. Mike Pence is seeking to go where no Vice President has gone before. If he should become the Republican candidate and goes on to win the election, he'd be our first Andorian President!



Author's Notes/Comments: 

*To those who are skeptical that the picture is not former VP Mike Pence since as far as we know, Mike Pence does not have blue skin or a pair of cranial antennae, let me inform you that Andorians are an advanced race of extraterrestrials who are light years ahead of us human beings technologically speaking. I would imagine it wouldn't be a problem for them to change skin color or to remove cranial antennae without any harmful effects.


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