Jury duty

My friend was called for jury duty 

But didn't have the confidence to go

Actually, that wasn't the problem

He plenty of confidence he would go

But he didn't want to


After ignoring several requests 

The court threatened him with

A heavy fine and jail time if

He continued not to report

So he did


Standing before the Judge

During jury selection, a

Process known as 'voir dire'

He admitted why he never

Wished to serve on a jury


He said 'It's not confidence 

It's incontinence. If I served 

on a jury, the case would take 

too long. I would need frequent

breaks for frequent makes'


The Judge laughed

'Don't worry about your

incontinence problem

In our judicial system 

The accused is found guilty

or not guilty by a jury 

of their pe-ers. Pee away!' 




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