Can you hear me Flipper?

        I came across this interesting story the other day (link below). It's talking about the fact that we're making a lot of noise, even underwater. A study has shown that dolphins, who are known to be highly intelligent, need to 'shout' when communicating  with each other to make themselves heard over all the other noise around them.

        This is something we need to monitor. Being exposed to constant loud noise from boats and such can disorient the dolphins, possibly putting them in danger.

I feel there should be a position created for the purpose of monitoring the calls the dolphins are making to see how much all this noise is affecting them. In addition to monitoring their calls, this persons job responsibility would be to work with the dolphins directly, teaching them how to cope in this new environment.

        Thinking about it, dolphins aren't the only animals affected. That would require an additional job being created. I guess that job description would be..

'Responsible for monitoring calls for training porpoises'.

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