Curious George?

Hi. I Curious George 

Hi Curious George 

Mai Tai Curious George?

High, Curious George?

I curious George...

Bi-curious, George?

Eye guy, Curious George?

I guy, Curious George 

Try, Curious George?

Why, Curious George?

Lie, Curious George?

Lie!...Curious George!!

Bye Curious George 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The idea for this poem came to me after seeing a reference to Curious George in the 'Last Viewed' listing of poems on the home page. Unfortunately, I didn't get the poets name and was unable to search for it either. Whoever you are, thank you.

Breaking news!
I found the poet

His name is chris

I'd to thank him for this

I looked at his profile 

He's very prolific 

Chris, I think you are terrific!

Thanks again! 

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