His name is Clarence
He is a Justice
Serving on the Supreme Court
So you'd think he can't be bought
His wife is Ginni
She's a right-winger
Yes, she made a lot of dough
From these right-wing groups, you know
He had to disclose it
But Clarence did omit
Did he think no one would notiice?
Well, he's full of shit
He is part of
The DC sewer
Probably was that way before he knew her
It is clear that
He's a wrongdoer
Both him and his wife
He's on the Court for life
Such a wrongdoer
He is corrupt
Do you know Harlan?
He is a darlin'
He is a big billionaire
Why should anybody care?
Became good friends with
Judge Clarence Thomas
Did he have a quid pro quo?
I honestly don't know
But it does not look good
I'm sure if Thomas could
He would do anything for Harlan
If he could, he would!
Because he's part of
The DC sewer
A sickness for which there's no cure
If there is one thing
Of which I'm sure
There's been an eruption
Of full-blown corruption
In the sewer
The DC sewer
I wish politicians were fewer
In the sewer
The DC sewer
Watch out for all the manure...