Sly as a

Hey this is pretty funny 

I put on Fox News to watch 

America’s Strongest Primetime Lineup 

I thought it said 

America’s Strangest Primetime Lineup 

I think I need new glasses 


Fox News is pro-Trump?

I’m shocked and appalled 

My god can it be 

Even Hannity? Sheer insanity 

Who would’ve thunk 

Now I’m in a funk 


Have they gone too far?

Suggestion for a new slogan 

I Stink Therefore I Am

Let’s tweak that a little 

We Stink Therefore We Are 


If you choose to watch Fox News

And get all the news you can use

Don't ever feel down so

Get rid of that frown and

Turn your boos into cheers!

What am I saying?

Think I had too many beers

Much more than I should

That's no good




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