
With just two mouths left from a deployment i receive a letter form the red cross.
the women i love has been taken from me, as the days wine down i get
complacent not caring what happens to me, fighting harder and more vigorously to
take out the threat. With just two weeks left on our deployment we ride in a convoy
we get hit glass breaks. blood leaking screams and shreaks heard from all angles.
my brothers body dangling from the blast I struggle to get up and grab my rifle searching
for the rest of my brothers, three have been found and its sad that some mothers wont be seeing
their baby boy come home. With rage i fire and advance,to the enemy shoting at everything in site
wishing to take out the ones responsible for this tragitey. when i see the body's drop
so does my heart that i wont see my love ones or be able to explain how much they meant
to me. I Stumble and find my self alone and suddenly it goes black and quiet. I awake to
a place that looks familiar the love of my life is holding my hand as we drive home.
i feel like a king on his thrown with my queen on my side. my brothers come into the
room with drinks for us all to enjoy, this is the life no pain or worries i kiss my love good night
to wake up to dark place hearing an different language my hands and feet are tied the blind fold
is taken off men dressed in afgan clothing shouting at me demanding something from me
so i reach in my blouse and get a picture. the picture of my brothers and my wife i smile slowly
not afraid anymore. a rifle strikes my face but i still have my smile in broken English i can
only understand what are you last words marine i laugh and slowly say Fuck you and look back
at my picture and say to my self ill see you soon then a loud boom i see my brothers and wife damn
its nice to see you all again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just an idea needs lots of work but wanted to post before i lost the idea

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