Rhythm Unrhymrd

I sit at on the couch all curled up with a pen, paper and blanket to try to get the words right..

Words I have been trying to make work for days..

Finding out though as I am trying to do this that this is much like my life..

Trying to find the answers to only feel like I am standing still..

So many rhythms unrhymed in things these days..

I wonder how others have made it thru..

I see things before me not making any since to me.

Why those who are so dear to us are made to suffer..

Or why they are taken away..

It just does not make since to me now..

Just as the words I am trying to put on this paper..

I feel as if I must do this now or it will never get down..

I am told I am putting to much pressure on myself..

That I am expecting to much..

Maybe I am, I dont really know..

just feel like things are falling apart..

Just wanting to make some kind of sense somewhere..

I ask you..

Is this to much to ask??

If so please tell me so..

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