Fathoms Deep

Stepping out into the world in a very sensative time of a innocent life..

Wondering if it is a mistake..

Will the travels of this young one be a easy one or will she go thru many trials she may not understand.

Some may say she forced to take this step.

And feel she is gettnig in to deep..

The truth be told though it was a choice she made so that she could have a better life..

She wanted to have a chance in makeing it..

Not loose the battle before it began..

She takes with her the most prized positons she could find.

The ones that she holds dear to heart and with good memories..

Trying to leave all the evil behind..

She wants a life of accomplishment..

One she can be proud of..

One she can say was complete..

She is ver wise and says we all get in to deep at some point of our life..

However its what set of steps we choose to climb to come out of it.

if you choose the right ones then things will be brighter when you come out of that hole..

If not then it will be dark and gloomy.

Its a choice we all have to make at some point..

Though someone so young and innocent should not be in the place to make these choices yet..

Its still a choice she felt needed to be made so she would no longer be in danger and so her life would not be over..

Her life is very dear to her and she wants to be able to accomlish all that she can in it..

For she believed God has put her for a reason.

Or she would not of already had all the trials that she has..

She would of been dead long before now.

So she is proof that sometimes getting in deep is the only way to get out..

Its just what steps you take to get out..

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