Send It Away

I look at the box sitting in the corner..

thinking of all the things inside..

each gift wraped special with so much love in it..

Knowing when i send it away that it  will bring so much joy upon its arrival..

For little ones eyes will glitter with joy and smiles upon opening it..

: They have been thru so much..

To much has happend in there little lifes already..

I feel blessed to be able to send away a box of love and joy..

There mom looseing there job..

There dad getting sick..

Them being forced to live a life of sadness and pain no child should be forced to live..

To have to do without Even the most basic of things..

Do to there hardships..

So today I am going to send there big bof of love..


and happiness ..

So that they will know someone is there to make sure they are okay..

today. i am going to send it away..

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