Secret Keeper

Just a little girl holding on so tight with hopes that she will be safe tonight..

A secret keeper is what she calls it..

Though others only see it as a teddy bear..

She has nobody else she can share these secrets with..

So each night before she lays her head She tells her secrets to her secret keeper..

Everything that has happend today..

Everything that made her sad..

Everything that made her scared..

Everything that hurt..

For those are the screts she must hold inside..

Unable to voice them outload..

She cuddles down so low and tight..

With hopes tonight will be the night..

So that tomorrow she will no longer have to hold on to the secrets..

The ones that only her and her secret keeper holds on to so tight..

For every day and night these things happen you see..

As she tries to figure out how to win this fight of life..

Only a child..

Not able to do a thing..

Only to tell her secret keeper before she l ays down her head..

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