Broken hearted…
Why must it always happen to me?
Never having my happily ever after..
This seems to hurt more and more…
I can’t seem to get rid of this suffering pain I feel,
Nothing seems to help…
So I’ll do the one thing I know that will fix it..
The liquor masks the pain for a bit,
But it can’t hid the tears…
Everything reminds me of you,
I wish you were here to hold me tight
I’m goin to do something I might regret…
But maybe with this,
Will take away the pain of my heart…
The knife I have shines like a girls best friend…
It cuts my wrist with one quick swept…
I’ve promised no to do this again,
But it’s the only thing that helps heal the pain I feel inside
The blood flows like a velvet silky river of red…
Oh how I love the feel…
It soothes me…
I take these beautiful colored pills
Like they are m&m’s
They help me to reach that everlasting slumber…
For my heart is no longer broken…
Due to I’m no longer here for it to ache,
For now today a new star was added in the sky…
For that is me,
Shining down….