On Writing


        Writing.  When one writes; why do they write, who are they writing for, what is their muse?  The experiences of the writer and the reader will effect what they feel comes from the piece.  As time progresses and lives change for the good and for the bad what one feels from and about the piece will also change.

       Nearly seven years ago I wrote a poem, it was an important poem to me because it was the first thing I ever wrote that I liked (1).  When I wrote it I was depressed and had felt the depression would never end, that nothing ever changed and there would only be pain in life.  Now when I go back and read my poem again having had more pain in life, but also joy and happiness I see how the poem still holds true just with a different meaning than it once held; no longer a poem of pain and tears but one of growth and healing even if it takes time.

        When a writer writes they pour their heart, soul, and feelings into whatever it is they are writing.  When someone reads what was written what they feel will effect how they read it and how it effects them, even if it was not the intended meaning of the piece.  As time progresses the piece will also effect the writer differently in such a way that they have grown, changed, and aged.

        A poem from my childhood that my father would recite to me meant little more than my father spending time with me when I was a child (2).  After I lost my father I lost the poem, years later it found me and would mean many different things over the years, now the poem itself is just nicely written words flowing across the page but the memory of the night laying in bed having it recited to me means more to me than the words themselves ever could.

        When a writer writes, do they know how their thoughts will effect lives throughout the years?  Hearing a song starting with a poem being recited (3) and reading a book where two characters discuss the same poem (4) we can even see how the one written piece can effect others in ways beyond the original poem itself (5).

        There is no right or wrong way to write or to feel about what was written, as your life changes you will change and what you see and feel will change along with it.  What is one man's Byron will be another man's Clancy.  So part now from reading this knowing that literature and writing will forever change and that you will change with it.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

1. “Clocks” by: Taos Moonstalker http://www.postpoems.com/cgi-bin/displaypoem.cgi?pid=653295

2. “Annabel Lee” by: Edgar Allan Poe http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/annabel-lee/

3. “Two-Twenty-Nine” by: Brave Saint Saturn/ Reese Roper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8xL9go0sHA

4. “Comes a Horseman” by: Robert Liparulo http://www.amazon.com/Comes-Horseman-Robert-Liparulo/dp/0785261761   ...

5. “Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night” by: Dylan Thomas http://www.bigeye.com/donotgo.htm

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