Push me around a little more
See what happens
Take a shit on my opinions
See what happens
Tell me about your life again
See what happens
Concern yourself with someone else
See what happens
You egotistical asshole, you black hole of attention
You undereducated over privileged pretentious goon
You think I should be swimming in a Sea of Devotion,
So you can paddle out and let me see why I haven't drown?
I'm the underlying reason of your haught
I brought you out of the dark.
I tamed the wild mare for your domestication
Yet you don't realize it.
I'm waiting for the time when you'll "let" me drown.
I'll spin to the bottom so you can get on your feet
And with Poseidon on my side,
I'll rush a hurricane in your life and show you what I am.
Not some little piece of shit,
that lets you condemn or condone me at your will.