Flood waters gushed in!
No trace of grass could be found,
Except a few grass-woven roofs,
That too remained shedding tears!
Mango trees lost arms, some shoulders,
Coconuts perched on its strong boughs;
The mighty survivors of all seasons.
Snails, Frogs, Snakes and gnats,
Ants, bugs, Lizards, spiders,
Set out their predictable exodus!
King Fisher and Woodpecker found
Abode in hollow jack fruit tree!
Poor and feeble mass, hunger-stricken,
Assembled by the wet school floor,
Waiting for the next food-serve;
Hot porridge and wild-roots boiled.
Burning chilly dish adds the heat
On their ice-cold tongues.
Mothers had their saved rags in lap
With their tender ones mewling in,
Their ribs netted with wrinkled skin.
Fathers looked at the skies and winds,
Returned to the wooden benches,
Cursing their fate, while the slant drops,
Pierced on swollen waves of yellow Flood.
They could not hide the dismay of
An impending disaster, that would
Shatter their small dreams
Into many a chips, beyond bonding.
Stars got blind by the broken clouds
Ascended from the abyss of horizons.
Nocturnal chorus of legendary frogs
And of beetles added awe and gloom.
Some slept with open eyes and sense,
As they knew how dreadful the water
Might turn in the monstrous night,
Sweeping off every trace of existence!
Morning is differentiated with
Pale rays that struggled the clouds,
And crows delightfully bathed
In water-pots of school kitchen.
Days of waiting and hopes elapsed,
Shelters invaded by dreadful guests;
Epidemics and calamities one by one
Caused their pulses go weaker still.
Merciless rain and flood objected
Even Sandy graves, while yellow eyes
Exchanged silent looks; "Whats Next'!
When tears drained off,
Drought invaded hearts.
Life has its occurrence scheduled,
To measure man's perseverance.