Under there he/she could dream get lost in the other world of it all, there everything faded alloweding him/her to sort through nonsense" like forcefully making him/her a drone", but not there there he/she could set himself/herself free. What might be out there not seen by the naked eye? Sensations he/she had all around him/her, but told were make belief out there or under it like under there, but did not fall inline with the popular beliefs. When it came down to it, what was out there could all be a lie, he/she would ask himself/herself what is it to think? There was noting to do but think, lots and lots of time to think. What if everything everyone knows is wrong? Or what if i'm just crazy? What if? Anything he/she ever felt, anything he/she ever thought!
In the deep he/she was made to feel comfort, if just for a while under there he/she could dream....................