
in one morbid glance stars came falling into this moment of perfection changing everything you knew to be forgotten. there was never a time to count mixed signals by stopping what you feel. placing infidelities into a basket with nothing but happiness turns even the most cynical... you can't break a heart by chaining it to what it wants. there's a level of attitides one can handle during the descent of a love affaire. you are not one of them. in seven seconds i am going to play to win. i will play against you. seven people are in the room wanting me to show you how to take a heartach. six phone calls came to you from someone with a voice unlike mine. five marks were left on you, you asked for that palm to cheek connection. four apologies were never enough. three tears are all i have left after i cried it all out. two people want you to get out unharmed. one of them is me. i'm sorry it has to be this way. time is fleeting. i won this time. the stars bleed wonderful memories... dripping cool into the cold. you were always against the beginning. i was against the end.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

one long stream of thought. not much went into this. i just started typing. sorry if it's bad, but sometimes you just have to get it all out.

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