
boobies like to be hugged

boobies like to be snug

boobies like to be held

boobies like to be fed

boobies like to touched

boobies like it rough

boobies can be large

boobies can be small

boobies can be firm

boobies can be soft

boobies can be smooth

boobies can be tough

boobies are nice

boobies are mean

boobies are fat

boobies are lean

boobies are good

boobies are bad

boobies are part of this society

boobies bring a lot of anxiety

boobies are a lot of stress

boobies when done wrong, leave a mess

boobies are hard to write about

but when boobies get excited they come all out

boobies must stay in their shell

boobies need not to show and tell

boobies are hidden

no where to peak

boobies are gone

now no more to speak

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