Mr. Baldwin

We've had bad times.

We've had some good,

But you have done

What no one could.

You taught us to march.

You taught us to play.

You helped us believe

Day after day.

You gave us hope.

You gave us pride.

In all us kids,

You did confide.

You put the "mighty"

Back in the band.

You made us the best.

The best in the land.

Things were different.

The attitudes changed.

The sound got louder.

The songs rearranged.

The people liked it.

They didn't go.

They stayed to watch

The halftime show.

We liked it too.

So much, in fact,

We got you a gift,

Cuz you're a class act.

A two is excellent,

But it's not a one.

So good luck next year.

We'll get the job done.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

We got a new band director this year and he did such an awesome job, I wrote this poem and we got him a gift.

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