The poster on the oak tree said
have you seen this girl
missing since yesterday morning
and it's torn up her parents world
the poster said, just five foot two
weight, just one hundred pounds
homecoming queen, eyes of green
and flowing hair of brown
she was just fourteen years of age
and I thought her kind of neat
she was such a pretty girl
and lived just down the street
I saw her walk to school each morn
bobbi sox, a mini skirt
as she walked along with ease
Someone thought they saw her yesterday
get in an old blue pickup truck
but the police have combed the country
without having any luck
They say she was a sweet and trusting girl
and an honor student too
she babysit the nursery at the church
and played on the soft ball team at school
They got a large reward donated
and it was quite a sum
but noone came forward with a random note
no not anyone
They say she had a special laugh
soft and melodious in it's tone
they say she volunteered at Christmas
and gave out clothes and shoes to needy ones
It was such a pity that this happened
to such a loving special child
her brother and sister so distraught
her parents almost wild
She was missing many months
and there was never any word
and tho her mother begged and pleaded on TV
not anything was ever heard
They found her late this morning
lying in some bushes
out behind the rifle range
dead for many months
so children, I plead with you
don't get in a car with any body strange
for people will sometimes fool you
for many are wicked in their ways
and they'll take you out and hurt you
for in their mind the evil stays
Now this girls life has been taken
and her parents world come to an end
because she took a ride with strangers
two smooth talking evil men