Today I searched again for you
in all of my familiar places
and as yesterday and all the days before
I find you not
I have searched for you
in endless brillient rainbows
and from mountain top to mountain top
and in the valleys far below
I have heart your laughter in the wind
and have seen your smile
reflected in sky blue lakes
and always elusively
you slip from my being
I have heard your footsteps
as they trod the green valleys
I have looked to find you and found
only my imagination
I have seen you lurking
behind a snow white cloud
and could not reach my
finger tips up to you
I have searched for you in the
freshness of spring
I have longed to find you
in the sweltering heat of summer
and in the frost tinged
days of winter
and I find you not
I have searched for you
on wind blown beaches
and on deserted islands
and in lonely far off desert's
and I find only your shadow
I have heard your voice in
haunting mwlodies
and have searched for your image
in dancing fire light
I have searched for your face
and found it in the pages of a million books
I have felt your warmth
and have shivered in the coldness
as you wing your way rheough
a winter blizzard
I have heard you whisper
to me in the
rustle of an angel's wings
I have heard you call my name
and when I listened
I found only the echo in my hear
I have cried for you
and found you not
Oh elusive one
where are you
you who are always near
and just beyond my finger tips
I have searched for you
in the words of a song
and found only the
that could have been
I have felt your warmth
in the night
and when I searched for you
I found only nothingness
i have seen your tears
as they fall in warm showers
and vanish
I have never seen you with my eyes
but I know you
in my soul
for our souls are one
Please come soon and find me
for I need your love
and your strength
and your nearness
Oh please come soon
my elusive one
my peace
my soulmate
I need you