
It’s been too long now

The battle has come to an end

I want to apologize for any harm

I might have caused in your life

It’s just that I don’t want you to treat me like a nobody

I want to be your angel

But an angel under God’s eyes…

I know you need to look after me

But sometimes you have to make your own mistakes

I know you want to help me

And I know that the decisions you make  

Are for the best sometimes

But its difficult to understand

Without an answer to the question why

Sometimes I just need you as a friend

Not as a mother that’s looking out for her child

I want to share my heart with you

Laugh and cry

I not only want to call you my friend sometimes

But my best friend

I want to share you with the world, my world

I know I’m going to look back one day

I’m going to regret every time I called you

A bitch behind your back

Hating you

With all the love in my heart

I hate hating you

I hate feeling this way

I hate the fights

I hate the cries

From now on

I want to make everyday the best day

With you mom

My Mom

I just want you to know that

I cherish you

I love you

I need you

By my side

From now on, till the end

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