national poetry day


 National Poetry Day

By jfarrell





The stinking tendrils of ancient decayed flesh envelope you,

Engulf you in a nicotined-coloured fog;

Your devil has arrived, demanding payment.

              - horror


The moment I saw her face;

It was like a thousand rainbows shone;

All the stars of the heavens bursting into life again

My heart was hers. I would die for her.



There was a miserable sod, wrought from Bermondsey;

Dark clouds, thunder; all his life followed he;

But, when to ‘Wales’ he went,

A promised holiday was the event;

A ‘pain in the bum’ was all he received.



My madness has made me a god,

Or, maybe, I’m just a conceited sod.

                   - couplet


In the shadows, I watch and I learn;

The deep longing within me burns;

To love one, such as you;

And I know my love would be true.



Why poems?

I offer five reasons, five themes, five experiences;

Today is National Poetry Day.

Thank you for coming. Please enjoy your stay :-)



Author's Notes/Comments: 

happy national poetry day :)