Sunday Evening in June, London, 2017
By JFarrell
The cats wearily open an eye as I walk by,
Too tired, too hot,
To see if I come armed with a bag of sweets;
The chirps and tweets of birds;
Sparrows, tits, pigeons, gulls,
As they nestle in for the night.
The sky is a light blue-gray,
And the deep violet clouds are edged with an orange hue.
Just a single plane in the vastness of the sky.
The light breeze is very pleasant
Getting under my shirt and up my sleeves
A very welcome coolness.
I wish it could stay like this forever;
In peace;
But, with the morrow
Will come the aftermath of last week’s tragedy,
Hopefully lessened in tension and anger, if not grief;
And who can foretell what else
Tomorrow or the days after may bring.
Though I know it can’t last forever
I still wish peace for London and the World
In the hope that one day it might.