I hear your voice, I smile in delight
I only wish you were always in my sight
Something about you has recently caught my eye
I feel closer to you now and I don't know why
Being around you I always feel happy
Why does it feel that this always happens to me
I seem to fall for people so fast
Yet each time I do, it never seems to last
I wish I could find someone that would actually care
I want to be with someone that'll always be there
You seem like you care and like you want to be there
Why is life never fair
Everything in my life that I want to happen right now
Seems so out of my reach, yet I wish I could have it, yet I don't know how
You're so out of reach, you seem so far away
I only wish you were closer and I could have one day
A day to spend with you, a day alone
A whole day of communication without using a phone
A whole day with you would be so great, its hard to explain
I wish I could see you before I go insane
I love the way you talk and the way you analyze
The way I feel towards you may be hard to understand or to realize
When I talk to you, all of my problems seem to disappear
Right now it's only your voice that I wish I could hear
Hearing you makes me feel safe with a lot of support
There are so many feelings it's hard to sort
My feelings for you have appeared so fast
Although it's so sudden, I hope it will last
I've been hurt a lot in the past, I've been through pain
It always seems like everyone is the same
Even though people seem so identical in a certain way
You seem different, there's so much to say
When talking to you, our conversations are so deep and so much is said
I have so many different thoughts and so many different emotions going through my head
It's extremely hard for me to express how I feel
Not knowing what to say drives me crazy, the insanity is unreal
I want you to know all the emotions that I have inside
By wanting you to know, it's even harder to hide