For Darfur : Who knows one? : by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld

Who knows one?  One is the Janjaweed militia cleansing Darfur  

Who knows one?  Two is the stealing and killing of livestock

Who knows one?  Three is the poisoning of wells and the destruction of crops

Who knows one?  Four is the use of rape to destroy and humiliate families

Who knows one?  Five is the creation of two-and-a-half million people: displaced, hungry, susceptible to disease

Who knows one?  Six is the over four hundred thousand people who have already died.

These and more are the plagues of Darfur.

Who knows one?

I know one.

Send a postcard to President Bush.  Urge him to take leadership on this issue.

lo dayenu — but it is not enough.

Who knows one?

I know one.

Encourage institutions to hang Save Darfur banners outside their buildings.

lo dayenu — but it is not enough.

Who knows one?

I know one.

Attend the rally in Washington, DC on April 30th.

lo dayenu — but it is not enough.

Who knows one?

I know one — Rwanda

Who knows one?

I know one — Bosnia

Who knows one?

I know one — Cambodia

There are too many ones.

And I am the child who does not know how to count:

One.  Two.  Four hundred thousand.  Six million.

For six million are the lips of our dead mouthing “never again” in eternal silence.

Who knows one?  I know one.

For I am that one.

One person created in the image of God.

It is for me alone to speak out.  I and no other.

Not a messenger, not a congressperson, not a president.

I alone am here to tell the tale.

Who knows one? I am that one.

And who knows — I may be the one who will make the difference.

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