If you keep walking away
and won’t stand by us
in our mistakes,
Who’s the child here?
Expect us to fail,
Teach us to fail.
You tell me I have a history,
But, it’s not in the book.
The past is real.
The past is alive in me.
My actions are a scream.
Doing drugs is a scream.
Hurting folks is a scream.
My silence is a scream.
This mutilation…
is but a scratch
compared to what hides
in the sorrow of my eyes.
Was I too much for you?
You did not even look back.
I will do the same.
Look what you started.
Why am I not
A person to you
Now, that I am
A parent too?
When we carry this pain
We make no gain.
We come about to find a gun
in a son’s tormented hand.
It’s too late to carry on this way.
It’s time to start over.
My dream came true:
They talked to me.
Saying: “We are here.
You’re world will change.”
Expect us to fail.
Teach us to fail.
We might stumble,
But must not fall.
All our ancestors say:
God save us all.