It Was All For You

Junior Year

It Was All For You

You’ll remember the time

We were driving down that street

When we came to a wide field surrounded

By woods and a foggy sheet

My love, it was all for you

I pulled over and ran down

Into the field of misted bliss

Meticulously trimmed pine trees

Like states with nature’s kiss

Oh, it was all for you

You came too, laughing sweetly

In the twilight’s surreal glow

We twirled in a dance of passion

When I thought of an expression to show

Just know, it was all for you

I stopped my possessed dance

With face giddy and smile wide

And started to disrobe

Bearing myself with great pride

And it was all for you

You too, stopped your dancing

Your sweet breath visably rising

Your face contorted with fear

My lovely display you were despising

But it was all for you

I went on and twirled again

Raunch ass naked I ran about

You holler for me to clothe myself

But on I prance and I shout

“ Hey, it was all for you”

You ran to the owner of the field

Reporting your boyfriend’s offense

When this man saw my naked ass

His old lip turned quite tense

Geez, it was all for you

I had begun my nued air guitar

Playing Bowie’s greatest hits

When from the house emerged a man

Tiring of my desnudo blitz

Uh oh, it was all for you

You watched from above the misted glen

While he chased me enraged and rifled

My Duran Duran solo interrupted

I ran away, my affection stifled

Dammit, it was all for you

I now see I had lost my senses

As that frolic became our last date

In that silent twilight field of mist

Our strong love met an exposed fate

But remember, it was all for you


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