This was me.
A rarity
Optimisitc, and faultlessly so
Cheerful without being annoying
Inspiring without knowing it
Attractive, without knowing how to use it
Genuinely nice
A pure entertainer,
I was once called.
I liked that one.
A gentleman
Shy at all the right times
Bold and shameless
Unafraid to speak his mind
And yet, never offensive
Unless it was funny
To be so.
The best damn athlete you'd ever see.
A show stealer on stage
A book full of 'don't ever change'
'Keep that wonderful smile'
Praise enough
To a harmless man.
A wolf amidst a pack of sheep
Who didn't bite
And wasn't really very hungry, thank you.
A true, honest to god
Hopeful romantic (self-titled)
Once, this was me.
A jewel of rare order.
I sound cocky now
Back then, I wasn't.
Humble and grateful
The world owed me nothing.
I was the one
Everyone said they were most excited
To see in ten years.
That was then.
And I'm left asking
'Where DID all the little kid go?'
Now I feel like
A free agent
"Well look how good he COULD have been"
No wonder, then.
A man whose past
Overshadows his future
The definition of