believed her

Lesser-ish poems

hurt reflected like blinding light, ufos and halogen, all close up and abrasive, you

dug in with steel talons, i think you snatched them from the round table, you and all your

armor, inside and out, inside-out, can't confuse the two.

stealer!  liar!

you and all your promises

you and all your words

you and all your metal and girls and holes and hair

eyes and knuckles and a ring for me

you wore this, remember, you slid it from your finger, onto mine that night over a city of lights

over a moon-puddle on the outskirts of town

maybe it was the night that held so much promise, unbroken black in the woods, a feeling of privacy

that was then, now is this, you and all your promises, you and all your words

they still all sound like truths, they still all sound like you

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