The accident

Driving to moms house that rainy night

how did we know the horror that would come to sight.

One minute Mom, and me are fine,

the next mom is bleeding, and hurt, and I watch it all crying.

The night of movies, and laughter we always shared,

turned into a night of horror,and pain that no one could bare.

You see, We crashed real hard, it all happened so fast.

cries, blood, and sirens, are memories that will forever last.

In the ambulance we were both taken away,

as I sat there in a daze, all I could do was hope, and pray.

Mom is going through so much, and I feel I am to blame

because I didn't stop sooner now nothing will ever be the same

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My mommy and me were in a real bad car accident on january 11th 2005. I never knew this is the horror the new year would bring to us. Its taken time to heal because me and her still suffer from nightmares..pain, and are always scared while driving. Mom especially has been so strong and healed from having both hands broken, surgery, and a face that was once burned and swollen from the airbag, is once again beautiful! I thank god every night we are both alive, and healing, I couldn't ask for more. As for my car it was totaled, and that too hurts because its the first car my dad bought me as a gift. But I just leanred to be a careful driver ,and have patience on the road, even though this accident was not my fault, seeing mom that way makes me think :look what I did to her.....

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