I love both women and men.
I am bisexual.
I am not afraid to tell,
I do not hide it.
I am not shamed for being this way,
for I did not choose nor ask to be this way.
It was a gift given to me.
YES a gift!!
one that I honor and welcome.
I get the best of both worlds,
It is me,
I am happy this way.
Dont hate me for it,
dont talk bad about me,
despise me or be scared.
Thats all NONSENSE!
let me be.
I am bisexual.
I wont hurt you
or change your ways.
so dont back away,
I am human and I am normal.
I did nothing wrong.
Dont judge me if you dont know me,
for being this way has not changed me.
Nor will it change you.
so cut the crap.
whats all the fuss? whats the big deal?
This is me not you!
so live your life,
and let me live mine.
I am bisexual and I am happy.
And not you or anyone can change me or tell me different!