You make me so mad when you drink.
Especially when you choose to drive.
This isn't fair at all,
what you later put us through.
It's 2am and we are all awake,
watching that you wont go.
Yet you refuese to listen or even care.
You act like driving drunk is nothing,
but it's a very big deal.
Something I wont even get into,
because everyone knows the consequences that lie ahead.
Look at all this fuss and commotion.
WHY wont you just listen.
Stop being so blind! Stop being so stupid!
You can't even stand straight,
yet you want to get behind the wheel.
Just do us all a favor,
and put your keys down.
Please just get out of the car and come inside.
Daddy we only want you to be safe.
We really do care.
I hate when you drink and get drunk.
It makes me angry and very sad.
I shouldn't be dealing with this.
Not your iresponsibility or stupidity.
Next time you choose to drink,
be responsible or dont drink at all.
Look at all these people trying to help.
Its ridiculous and so unfair.
Daddy im so tired.
Please just come to bed,
so I can finally lock up and go to bed knowing you are safe.
Rather then letting you go and thinking you are dead.